inconsistencies in the eleanor/elounor narrative

a thread:
before we start: this isn’t meant to be hate towards eleanor or louis and eleanor. just found it interesting how little we knew so i decided to do some digging. please scroll if you aren’t comfortable with this thread.
for starters: there’s pretty much nothing about eleanor prior to her relationship with louis but there’s a video of her 5th form walkout and a video of her with her friend and a few pictures of her prior to 2011
video: eleanor at her last day of her fifth or sixth form. +
+ eleanor before louis. pictures of her prior to louis are few and far between.
(there is obviously more but i won’t be including all of them)
her parents: her parents don’t have proper namer listed anywhere online or that have been confirmed by her. her mom has been called Kim by family and some fans and other fans and eleanors weebly page says her name is Deborah.
her dad also has many different names listed online. some people believe he’s the billionaire Clive Calder and others have different names for him. none have been confirmed by her or anyone close to her.
her dad also has different faces. the photo on the right in the photo fan pages use as her father, but the iconic “harry saw eleanor in LA and said hi” tweet makes him look entirely different.
different nose shape, no glasses, different ears, different hairline.
the one thing that seems to be fairly agreed on is that her parents are divorced. her father supposedly remarried and had a son named James who she follows on insta, but then eleanor claims she’s an only child?
eleanors official weebly page and many other online sources say she was born in London, England but the story that her and harry were childhood friends (hence how she met louis) doesn’t match that. Manchester is 4 hours away from london
Eleanor confirmed she turned 28 in 2020 but google says she’s 27 in 2017 (these articles were posted after her birthday)
eleanor and louis were first spotted september 15th 2011 at nialls birthday party but they weren’t even dating yet? why bring a girl you’re not dating to a highly publicized event with all your friends, and also smile for pap pics and not even try to protect her from the paps?
october 22nd 2011 louis and eleanor visit Doncaster and his family and we get these weird fan photos. two of many pap/fan pics we get all before november 17th. (remember BEFORE november 17th 2011)
and then November 12th 2011 harry posts this (now deleted) elounor photo on his instagram. this is the first ever picture of them on social media that isn’t a pap/fan photo.
their official anniversary is 11/17/2011. why introduce her to your family, expose her to the paparazzi, publicly post about her on a huge platform before you even ask her out?
additionally, why did harry post the photo of louis and eleanor? from all the photos of harry and eleanor i’m the same room, he doesn’t seem like a fan. but also the photo was posted before louis even asked her out.
coincidentally: Eleanors instagram was started June 19th 2012 which is the exact day they were papped in LA. she posted these 4 photos, 2/4 being her with louis as if that’s not suspicious.
eleanor went to manchester university and is listed in graduates but also toured with the boys throughout her 4 years of college which would be fairly impossible. these would all of been during the school year when she would of had to be in class.
louis went to eleanors 2014 graduation in a baseball cap and t-shirt, which is inappropriate attire for a graduation, especially a graduation for someone you care about.
in We Made It, louis sings “meet you at your uni cheap drinks” but eleanor lived in her own flat, not at a dorm in manchester university... how do you meet her at a place she doesn’t live?
eleanors official weebly page also says louis and eleanor got Bruce for christmas but bruce doesn’t show up on her insta feed until march 26th, after her and louis had broken up.
now onto the better known inconsistencies!
louis sings “i went to amsterdam without you” in Always You when he and Eleanor actually spent some time in Amsterdam in 2017 for her birthday. so if he went with her, who was he thinking of in Amsterdam?
louis says too young is about meeting the one at 18, specifically 18. the first appearance of louis and eleanor, he was nearly 20 years old. (specifically 19 years and 8 months) and they didn’t start dating till even later. he was definitely not 18 when they were together.
apparently they’re private and not at all a public couple but there’s dozens of photos of them online and he took her out in public before they were even a couple and willingly got papped, the opposite of privacy of u ask me.
Louis says the most romantic thing he’s ever done is set up his backyard as a winter wonderland for eleanor. it’s the first and only time he changes the story from the chicken story but also, this “winter wonderland” is actually zayn and perrie and louis’s little sisters.
Louis says eleanor is very proud of him and his biggest cheerleader.. the most support she’s ever publicly shown is pictures of her in cities he’s performing and her being on her phone during his Scala show... not very cheerleader of her? +
+ eleanor could be privately supportive but that wouldn’t really make her a cheerleader for him. not to mention eleanor posts EVERYTHING and publicly promotes other artists and works so it’s a little odd she doesn’t give the same energy to her bf and his songs about her.
speaking of his Scala show, the vip box! during too young he sings up to the vip box (the center of the venue) whereas eleanor is on the opposite side of the venue. +
+ more pictures that show eleanors location compared to where louis is looking.
louis says what brought him and eleanor back together is bonding over the loss of Jay but when Jay passed, he was still in a committed relationship with Danielle. so he either cheated or they got the timeline wrong .. +
+ i’m skimming over the jay situation because it makes me feel a little uncomfortable to include her passing in this. i mean no disrespect to Jay or Louis.
louis says “you and me is all i’ve ever know” referring to eleanor which is romantic but also doesn’t make sense. when he broke up with eleanor he not only had a child with another woman, but was in a fairly serious relationship with another woman.
not only is oli constantly with them and a perpetual third wheel.. he lives with them according to Louis. although we’ve never heard or seen oli in eleanors ig stories and it doesn’t make sense to have your friend from school live with you and your girlfriend of 9 years.
yesterday eleanor posted saying she was at her moms. London has recently been moved to tier 3 on covid restrictions where you can only be with people you don’t live with unless you live alone. so there’s three options. +
+ so eleanor is either breaking lockdown rules which is a plausible but she could either live alone or with her mom. confusing ...
now this is less of an inconsistency and more of something i noticed. throughout the years eleanors accent has gotten more and more posh even though louis’s accent has stayed the same. when you spend a lot of time with someone you pick up their accents and the way they speak.
eleanors voice before she met louis
eleanors voice 2017
eleanors voice 2020. it’s clearly grown more posh and more london even though louis’s doesn’t. could mean nothing but just thought it was interesting.
additionally, after princess diana’s death france implanted really strict paparazzi laws where paps can only come if called and celebrities/teams have to consent to being papped. all these photos were taken in France.
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