hot take: hot takes kill. the obsession with saying the right thing, especially the most cutting criticism, has driven people into dangerous mental health crises and will continue to.
building a culture that values exposing what's wrong with things (and especially, what's wrong with people), instead of what's redeemable about them, will never lead us to a better world.
for example: this hot take is also shitty. It diminishes the work done by people to figure out what's wrong in the world, because we need to know what's wrong in the world in order to turn things around.
it's a hot mess all the way down. being a content creator often requires chasing clout to some degree in order to get the support it takes to eat food and, you know, live. hot takes are a fast track to clout. say a clever thing, your numbers go up, you get to eat more food.
"clever" usually means biting, and it sometimes means cruel.

some of the people who hurt us deserve our cruelty. some of them don't. And maybe "deserve" is used incorrectly here. Maybe we deserve the ability to be cruel to our tormentors and oppressors.
I just know so many people who've been harmed, sometimes physically, by hot take culture.

This isn't a call for us to play nice in our rhetoric and critique necessarily. Maybe it's a call for us to temper our power with mercy.
Or maybe it's a hot take designed to get them retweets and build clout and drive people to my patreon so i can eat mac and cheese tonight, I don't fucking know.

I'm just frustrated by hot takes sometimes.
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