This has always been the excuse our gov'ts have given to defend their indefensible secrecy. But what they're really trying to do is protect themselves from embarrassment and accountability. It's paternalistic. It infantilizes the public. And it's anti-democratic. #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
When gov'ts claim transparency can hinder decision-making, what they're really saying is the public doesn't need to know all the info they have. Nor does the public need to know about differences of opinion in gov't or why one decision was made over another. #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
It's important for journalists and members of the public to push back against these attempts to normalize Canadian government secrecy - which do little to help the governed but do much to empower our governors. And our democracy is poorer as a result. #cdnfoi #cdnpoli
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