2. Frankly, neither Belgium nor the EU seem terribly excited about having Jews living there.

It seems like the post-Shoah willingness to make amends with Jews is running out.

3. I’m tired of people telling me the purpose of these laws is to deter Muslims from living in these places—as if that’s an excuse.

If you’re willing to have Muslims, let them eat Halal.

If you’re not willing to have Muslims, say so and leave the Jews alone.

4. Notice how universal rights jurisprudence (human rights and animal rights) tramples all over the *traditional* rights of religious people.

It’s always the same story: Supposedly universal newfound rights end up voiding the rights of Christians, Jews—whoever is in the way.
5. Don’t think any of this is about to get better. It’s not.

The post-WW2 liberal agenda of separating religion and state has moved on:

It has now morphed into an agenda for making the continued existence of conservative communities *of any kind* impossible.

7. But whatever you want to call it, we need to be clear about this:

There is no room in the world these legal geniuses are inventing for Orthodox Jews or Christians, nationalists or conservatives of any kind.

They point is to make life impossible for us all.

8. And if you’re an old school liberal, and you still think there’s room in this brave new world for you, think again.

The most irritating conservatives are paragons of tolerance in comparison to these folks who are trying to become the Supreme Court of the world.

9. So let’s make a decision tonight, this eighth night of Hanuka.

Let’s decide to fight this thing together.

Let’s decide we’re willing to fight for a world with many *independent* nations. Making room for different religions and different traditions.

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