Dr. Jill Biden is being attacked for teaching at a Community College where “slow students go.” I must be one of those: I went to a Community College, then got a BS, PhD, became a tenured professor, taught and developed curricula in 3 countries, write books. Slow student.
I’d like to follow up with a few comments.
First, this has been a positive and inspiring discussion. Whether folks went to a CC and then into the job market, went on for a 4 year degree or beyond, every person has made positive comments.
Second, the number of community colleges, junior colleges, and technical schools mentioned here is amazing; it must be in the hundreds. This highlights a really important point about CCs: they are in or near your home town.
Third, CCs are not just woefully underfunded, but their funding is upside down: when the economy tanks, CCs lose funding, but students flock to their local community colleges. I hope that the Biden administration can begin do restore funding to adequate levels.
Fourth, the quality of teaching at CCs, based on the comments in this thread, is amazing. These people are absolutely heroes. My chemistry teacher, Gerry Nobiling, at Monroe Community College, is why I have had the career I have.
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