Did you know, that when a person is in fear their IQ plummets to 50% or less operating capacity, adrenaline takes over, and TRAUMA (this life + others) takes control.

It's worth looking at the trauma responses - some of these are programmed and primal, to understand how they
have used this for millennia to drive agenda. This is all changing now, but the best thing you can do in the meantime is go within and understand your triggers. Rise above what you think is real, and instead look at what is going on objectively. Breathwork is very powerful
to help retrain your trigger points or meditation, to help create the space for ojbectivity and guidance.
They use fear programs to instil the fear to avoid you feeling any level of empowerment, to have you feel fear of rising above, to have you make poor decisions so they can control you like sheep, and then heard you.

They use False Flags like cattle dogs to round you up.
And if you need proof - just go onto the threads of the mainstream media right here in Twitter and have a look at the comments - its there in blazing colour ... it is unbelievable to see how these people hand their power on a platter to the controllers.
Why do they do it?

Fear, firstly. Usually wanting to buy favour their idea is that if they placate or pander to the controllers they will be saved, and it does work - in a group of Narcissists. As you aren't that, or like them ANYTHING you do that threatens the group mind will
have them perceiving you as a threat to the group mind (think Matrix here), and will attack you because you may expose them, to the controllers.

It's sick isn't it?

Can you imagine a life without this shit? LOL I can! I can't wait!
You can follow @PetahJane.
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