The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has issued a welcome and damning statement regarding the recent UK Tavistock judgement: 
Worth adding that the boards of directors for the regional organisations specifically covering Europe, the US, Canada, Asia, Australia, and Aotearoa in New Zealand all joined this statement. There is global professional concensus that the ruling should be overturned.
"To be effective, this treatment must commense early in the puberty process, not at the age of 16. When treatment is needed, its effectiveness will be diminished while waiting to be seen by a court of law."

Also by the clinic - waiting times are unconscionable.
I encourage people to read the full statement, available via the link above. It is two and a half pages with spacing, and relatively accessible language.
Not only were the judiciary poorly equipped to consider the topic, but there was a significant failure for claims to be properly scrutinised. Trans people also know that overall, UK clinical practice is out of step with global progress. Informed consent is evidence based.
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