Remembering when I was working at a Chinese restaurant and asked my communist (so she claimed) co-worker why she moved from China to America and she said “I just really like stuff”.
And I kid you not this girl probably had a 130IQ or higher. Rich private school education.
She was trilingual, double majoring in classical composition and some math-related major. Extremely competent at her job.
She once told me “communism has never been attempted” and I asked her what she thought Mao was trying to do. She said, “ok fine”.
She told me she thought human beings were stupid and evil. I said sure I get it, but stupid and evil compared to what?

She was pretty stunned for about 5 seconds, then she goes, “well, I guess I imagine there are these aliens...”

“Do you believe in God?”

“No, that’s silly.”
I think what she really meant was “humans are stupid and evil compared to ME, which is why I am among the few who can understand TRUE communism, which has never been tried.”
Some real Catholic Church type vibes.
I actually liked working with her most of the time, we had a lot of solid banter and she did a good job. But she was so focused on minutiae that she often couldn’t see the big picture. I think she also still had some strong Chinese nationalist sympathies.
Which I understand, since she had grown up there, but she went to great lengths to try to convince herself that she was a post-nationalist thinker (lol).
I’ve actually seen this trend a lot, people convince themselves that they are completely above nationalism because they have lived in multiple countries. It’s a joke.

When it comes down to it, everyone believes that some nations are better than others. They’ll tell you.
No one is anti-nationalist when it comes to their favorite nation. This is why socialists always advocate for higher levels of nationalization even if they claim to be doing it in the spirit of anti-nationalism.
It just doesn’t work that way. Socialism must always start at the level of empowering the state. You are not asking citizens to give their money to a global social order, you are asking them to give more money to their federal government.
(Which is tied to a global ECONOMIC ORDER, but I digress)
Then you are asking them to trust their federal government to competently fix poor conditions in labor, healthcare etc.

Might as well just admit that this is the path you are advocating-national socialism, supposedly to lead us into a communist utopia at some point.
If you genuinely think capitalism will destroy the world if left to its own ends, you very well might be right.

I’m just telling you, be honest and realistic about how you want people to change that. You want them to give more power to the state.
This is apparent to any intelligent person. You are not going to convince them with post-nationalist rhetoric. Everyone with half a brain knows that’s not how it works in the real world.

Sorry if that hurts, but it’s true.
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