Over the years I've had opportunities in observing great leaders.

Most of them were good at problem solving and decision making but a few were outstanding leaders.

But it didn't stop there ☝

These are the 14 characteristics I've observed from great leaders down the years.
1. Great leaders always exude self-confidence

2. Great leaders never show pettiness.

3. Great leaders are never buck passers.
4. Great leaders always pick themselves up after defeat.

5. Great leaders are always fanatically committed to their duties.

6. Great leaders don't suffer from desperation to be universally loved.
7. Great leaders have the cojones to make unpopular decisions.

8. Great leaders are decisive.

9. Great leaders make sure they satisfy the psychological needs of their followers.
10. Great leaders have the ability to use their speeches to inspire people.

11. Great leaders possess contagious optimism.

12. Great leaders are always determined to keep pushing in the face of difficulties.
13. Great leaders show confidence, even when faced with uncertainity.

14. Great leaders symbolize being innovative instead of resisting it.
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