23/ as Papadop interview approaches, Strzok and Boone (the two ADs) chat. Strzok expects Papadop to name Carter Page or Manafort as secret conduit to Russia. I don't view Strzok as malevolent, but as someone living in a totally paranoid fantasy, whose judgement was appalling.
24/ đŸ˜‚đŸ”„ this is rich. FBI was ("FYSA") listening to Papadop and his mother in the Papadopoulos home in real time. His mother told him not to go to FBI office. Strzok snickered: "That's what you get for not listening to mom...;)"
25/ texts presumably related to Papadop had already been obtained
26/ on Jan 27 6 pm (EST), they learn that Papadop said that "Joseph Mifsud stated to TYPHOON it was the "Russians" who had the e‐mails". Hans Mahncke has long argued that Papadop composed this to please/distract FBI or simply because he has loose connection to reality.
27/ by Jan 30, in a text beginning "FYSA", they state that they had already opened some sort of surveillance on Mifsud. (Recall that Mueller lied to court that Papadop's false statement had had material impact on investigation.) Pap lies, but so did Mueller.
More later. It is crazy that this material has been concealed so long.
On Feb 1 and Feb 2, Chicago agent (prob Heide) texted updates to Strzok in real time. These texts all appear to come from same agent. FYSA - military: for your situational awareness. Nothing to do with FISA.
29/ 302 for Feb 1 interview is in Vault Volume 4, p74. Curtis Heide was SA. Papadop did internet search on Mifsud and Russia, further feeding FBI fantasies. Papadop said that Mifsud introduced Olga as a student and it was Nagi Idris who "grumbled" that she was "Putin's niece".
30/ Mueller Report stated that "Mifsud introduced Polonskaya as a former student of his who had connections to Vladimi Putin", citing Papadop's Aug 10, 2017 interview. However, by August, Papadop was composing wildly and even Mueller thugs unconvinced by some of his ravings.
31/ in the Feb 1 interview, Papadop was asked about Millian and told FBI that Millian had told him that he had no knowledge of information sourced to him and that the dossier claims about him were untrue. Papadop believed him. Mueller concealed this info exculpatory to Millian.
32/ on Feb 10, FBI interviewed Mifsud. Moffa observed afterwards that it "might have been good to, like, have a plan, come up with the right questions". Wait until Pap interviews done. uh, d'oh.
33/ Mueller later lied to Court that Papadop's deceptions had materially damaged FBI interview of Mifsud. Real problem was FBI incompetence.

In fact, early on, before we had any documents, I speculated that FBI failed to ask right questions.
34/ one of the weird aspects of counts to which Papadop pled guilty is that he had logical technical defense to each of them. So why didn't he put up better defense? (Hans Mahncke had observed same phenomenon - which is how we first twitter met.)
35/ eventually, we concluded tht there was no actual injustice to Papadop in that he had lied, just that he lied on different things than he pled guilty to. And that he lied not just to FBI, but serially to Trump campaign and more recently to US public. Then composed for Mueller
36/ but on the issue of whether Papadop's lies about Mifsud timing were material lies to FBI investigation, Mueller lied to the court. They didn't matter a damn.
37/ on Feb 9, there are important new Strzok texts about Washington Post. But first, readers should recall that killshot on Flynn was Feb 9 WaPo article http://archive.is/5hOg7  stating that, based on multiple leaks, Flynn had talked about SANCTIONS.
38/ all readers of this thread will be familiar with fact that explusions and sanctions were different measures taken on Dec 29 and that Flynn talked about expulsions, but NOT about sanctions. And that Strzok didnt ASK about "sanctions". So leaks were a lie.
39/ we now learn, for first time, that Strzok met with WaPo about Flynn after receiving assurance "they wouldnt run name". So Strzok was one of leakers. Strzok was also in charge of counterintelligence charged with catching leakers. No wonder he didn't catch any.
40/ it also looks like McCabe was separately leaking (false information) to WaPo about Flynn. He resigned almost immediately after this sabotage.
41/ during this resistance period, Strzok was breaking bad. As he became increasingly obsessed, one of his friends sagely observed "it looks like entire future credibility of the FBI is sitting on your shoulders". It did indeed. Unfortunately, Strzok was wrong about everything
42/ a dig here: on Feb 23, Brian Boetig, the FBI Legat from London who filed initial report on Downer's conversation with DCM Dibble about Papadopoulos leading to CH, checked in. Wonder what it was about.
43/ on Feb 24, Strzok and redacted correspondent were abuzz about an important episode in nascent resistance - a little discussed but very important episode culminating in Mueller appointment.
44/ on Feb 14, Schmidt, Mazzetti and Apuzzo (McCabe's buddies) broke false story that Trump campaign had "repeated contacts" with Russian "intelligence officials", claim supposedly established by "call logs and intercepts". Needless to say, none were produced in Mueller Report.
45/ NYT story, in immediate wake of Flynn's scalp being taken, had immense impact and led to coalescing of demands for special counsel. Trump WH asked FBI to dampen false story. Needless to say, CNN seized on this reasonable request as supposed unprecedented interference
46/ Strzok gossiped as the FBI and their media co-conspirators burned the new administration.
47/ on March 1, we learn that "Whitehall is chasing" someone regarding Flynn, someone who Strzok was talking to right that minute. http://archive.is/XE94i  This text is two weeks after Svetlana Lokhova had been put into play in smear article in London Times.
48/ the March 1 text is half way between Andrew's smear and a WSJ smear http://archive.is/CanJB  in which Lokhova was named and libeled. Getting Flynn fired wasn't enough for resistance. They had bigger game (Trump) in their sights.
49/ a vignette on March 8: NYFO interview of Carter Page waiting for Comey's approval. Strzok and correspondent think that it's "terrible timing" and "unnecessary".
50/ Carter Page was interviewed the next day by Somma (Horowitz' Case Agent 1, now a SSA) and Case Agent 6 (not identified yet, but a 7+8).
51/ on Mar 21, Strzok is asked to give Crossfire briefing to Karen Miller, a new name. Perhaps this Section Chief at DOJ?
52/ on Mar 23, Strzok's penpal reports that he went to SSCI hearing, also attended by Bill E. (William Evanina). FWIW there was a closed hearing of SSCI that day.
53/ reader pointed out to me that I incorrectly interpreted Strzok as sender of this text, when he was recipient. I agree. On other hand, Strzok seems to have been read in on leak by FBI to WaPo and not trying to catch leakers.
54/ going back to Aug 8, 2016. Moffa prepared article for Comey, McCabe on historical context, going back to Soviet times. (Some of this material prob re-emerges in ICA which uncritically cites Mitrokhin, a Curveball predecessor). But this next is important:
55/ Moffa says "Trainor apparently ordered CyD to pull their info out ... and thinks the whole thing is stupid...I'm totally not understanding why it is so offensive. CyD appears to be missing the point". This seems like a hugely important dig-here.
57/ Trainor appears to have been replaced by Scott Smith https://www.fbi.gov/news/pressrel/press-releases/scott-smith-named-assistant-director-for-the-cyber-division. Although hacking of DNC and WL publication was the casus belli, so to speak, Cyber Division involvement is not strongly visible in Crossfire Hurricane. Maybe behind some redactions.
58/ in any event, why did Trainor think that the "whole thing was stupid"? We've heard nothing from that perspective on events, yet it seems to be the most prescient. Why was this minority opinion withheld from policy makers?
59/ on Aug 17, Strzok and Pientka used supposed defensive briefing to candidate Trump as opportunity to carry out surveillance. Texts on Aug 23 refer to this incident. Pientka sought confirmation from Strzok to only write up assessment on Flynn (Razor) as he was declared subject
60/ but "leave the other two out other than I provided a CI brief". One presumes that candidate Trump was one of the "other two" and that Pientka orally reported to Strzok on his surveillance of Trump at briefing, then they concealed.
61/ Remember how Papadop's mother said not to go with FBI when agents confronted him at parents' home. A detail sufficiently vivid to report to FBI HQ.

There is 302 on accosting P at home, just NOT on substantive interview. Naturally, it doesn't disclose Mom's warning.
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