100 people can gather inside, in a church, with little to no limitation, because Christmas, but restaurants with all the precautions must remain closed. Who tends to go to churches? The people that are most vulnerable to COVID-19. Tell me how this follows any science or logic? https://twitter.com/TwitCoast/status/1339626970502422528
"Christmas, a largely white and Christian holiday, takes place in less than two weeks. But the pandemic has already seen the forfeiture of gatherings for Hannukah, Diwali, Eid Mubarak and other holidays that have taken place over the past nine months."
Political convenience & appeasing to old, white Nova Scotia beats science any day of the week. Please help me understand how I should not be outraged by this decision?
@StephenMcNeil @StrangRobert you asked us to do our part. You said we are all in this together. And we did our part, we helped bring the numbers down. At a huge personal and business cost. But when it came time for you to show leadership, you chose fear over science.
And just for the record, so that people don't take my words out of context: https://twitter.com/RadUrbanist/status/1339634896084602883
You can follow @RadUrbanist.
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