So I double checked my email. The only response I have from him is confirming the status of 13 officers. So I replied asking him if he could please send me the responses since I don’t have a record of them. He replied with a PDF dated *TODAY* (here it is
So I triple checked my email. No record. So I asked John Elder if he could please send me the original email he sent the responses in. He replied, “I delete my stuff. I looked. Ergo why you got a scanned image. I had printed it and it was in my file. Glad I did.”
I have now submitted a data practices request for our correspondence to find out if he did indeed send me answers before today. I'm asking the records department to check the trash folder, too! Here are the receipts I have:
From the story: "Even as successive mayors and police chiefs have promised transparency ... (MPD) has maintained its staunch resistance to outside oversight. It obfuscates and delays information requests from City Council members, civilian oversight committees and journalists"
btw, I sent a similar email this morning asking for Mayor Jacob Frey to respond to our story or answer our list of questions and have not received a reply
John Elder just called me to tell me the email was sitting in his drafts folder and he just didn’t hit send.
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