Aside from the obvious, this is an interesting thing on a deep level

Like, could you trust a random stranger to risk their well-being, either physically or monetarily, for you? Could you put that trust in their hands? Would you expend these things for a total stranger?
I've noticed that there seems to be like.... this tremendous level of mistrust in others in the US, I can't think of the word... it's like you don't hate them but wouldn't trust them alone with your purse or to make a choice in the interest of your safety. And I don't blame ppl
It manifests in interesting ways like.... the whole thing about guns is "what if THEY have one? better be nice" which is just mortal fear of other people
Or how every argument about universal healthcare boils down to "I don't trust strangers to not waste my tax money" etc
Obviously some people have a good reason not to trust other people
Some don't, but naiveite is frowned upon as an expression of privilege
On a fundamental level it just doesn't make sense to expend their time/effort for those they know wouldn't do that same
I've made a thread about "the american dream" which culturally functions by pitting average normal Americans, who would and should otherwise be peers socioeconomically, against each other, so they betray and walk over each other for the faintest promise of success or security
It's all so obviously manufactured, those who benefit from this know by looking at other countries that if there was unity and if it was hard to rip peers apart the US would have had a huge revolution long ago
So they stoke divisions as best they can. It works every time. Sigh
On a hierarchy of needs, eating, getting income, and protecting your children come before giving your neighbours the key to your home or car in case if emergencies. It isn't your fault for being forced to buy into this system but it is impossible to artificially foster
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