You know what sucks. When you order something at a coffee place and the barista screws up the order. They give you iced when you say hot or vice versa. Or they sweeten it when you said no sweeten. And then when you say sorry but this isn’t what I ordered. (Continued)
But you know the Barsista doesn’t believe you. They think you mis-ordered but you know they fucked up. Nobody believes the other one. But you know you’re right. But you feel bad anyway that they gotta remake it. Even though they fucked up. But they don’t know that.
And you feel guilty even though you were right. Long story long we need to be able to go to the monitor in coffee shops. Throw a challenge flag. If you’re wrong you pay triple. And if you’re right the satisfaction of proving to the barista that you were right is worth it.
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