Thread 👇🏼

So much material, so much shit post, not enough real talk.

I grew up up in a mid/class family, watching my father going to work at 5am in the morning everyday fueled me, taught me to learn the skills i need to survive.
The urge to get my mother what she wants, making sure my dad can be financially secured motivated me to thrive, but i understood that life will not just feed me success, it gave me something better.
it gave me friends and family that were motivating me to be the best version of myself. It put alot of stress and pressure on me, specially that im from a 3rd world country. No land is safe for you, it is hard to find home.
I workd with VS models but stayed away from the crazy lifestyle, I socialized with certain celebrities but i never got sucked in to their bad habits. Working hard was like a religion for me, it wasnt easy, but i loved the process and the ppl who stuck with me through it all.
Im not better than anyone so i believe we can all make it, wish you all a happy and successful stories that we can share together in Valhalla
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