I can talk about race but not gender? My words are fine for white guilt, but not for male entitlement? I’m more oppressed than the white man at the top table, but if he identifies as female he gets to take the cake home and I get nothing?

Or is it the case . @Critic_Speak that/
you want to hear Black voices, but only on certain subjects, saying the right sort of things, the “good” Blacks?

Shame on you for your cowardly disengagement.

No platform? No courage is what I see. No integrity. No argument.

I think you can tell that I’m not one of those/
cowed into silence, nor am I to be frightened from standing up for what’s right.

Proud to stand with women like @KLBfax @MForstater @jk_rowling and all the others.

We are #TheWomenWhoStand and if #IWillNeverBeMyselfEnoughForSome I can at least be myself enough for me. /end
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