So let's talk about the self-talk.

Let's talk about the frustration of others around us, that be feed back into own heads.

And the damage it does.

Let's not do this to ourselves.

Let's not do what I did before bed last night.
I fight this so much, I tell you all to be kind to yourselves. I struggle with it myself.

This note doesn't really help me. I could have reminded myself about the code approach for the morning without putting myself down.
But when people are upset with me, and telling me how much time I've wasted going down a rabbit hole, I'm frustrated too.

I thought I'd had a good day, and I achieved a lot, I just went off on a bit of a tangent.

But then I'm calling myself that.
The honest truth is, I've been told some many things about myself over the years by others that it becomes integrated as self talk.

I know we all have.

One of the terrible things about ADHD, is that those around us see our struggles as being due to deficits of character.
The most important thing we can do for ourselves is understand that, and stop judging ourselves for struggling, misunderstanding, going off on tangents.

None of this is a deficit of character, there is a real and valid reason why we struggle.
There's always going to be people who see me that way. I don't need to be one of them.
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