You and I are built differently.

How I am always flipping.

// THREAD //
I wanted to illustrate how flipping is a lifestyle.

It is a mindset.

You learn to approach situations differently.

Numbers appear in your head and have different meaning.

You are constantly thinking outside the box.
Yesterday I went to the Grocery store and got my groceries for free.

I paid the cashier, but I made enough money to pay for my groceries.

I found an item to flip and I got ahead.
I spent a total of $27.89 at the Grocery store.

The difference? I found an item to make all of that back

... and then some
Here is what I ended up buying for me.

This is ingredients for

- Homemade sauce
- Eggplant Pizza

Trust me.

This shit is bomb.
There is a soda called TAB.

TAB is being discontinued at the beginning of next year.

This will drive the demand for this product through the roof.

People who cannot live without it will pay a premium.
I checked the soda aisle and there was one case.

This one case on eBay average sold price is $30-40.

By selling the case, my groceries were paid for.
Flipping is about

- Being curious
- Being creative
- Recognizing trends
- Taking advantage of opportunities
- Understanding supply and demand
There are people reading this

who have passed this Soda multiple times.

You are leaving money behind.

You are leaving opportunity behind.
When you embrace this lifestyle

you begin to see things differently.

You become optimistic in your thinking.

You begin to identify opportunities.

You begin to make a difference in your life.
I was able to walk into a grocery store

and find an item that was profitable and in demand.

Imagine what can be done with

- Toys
- Books
- Sports Equipment

People overlook these items and opportunities daily.
Shift your mindset and work on recognizing opportunity.

This is how I got my groceries for free yesterday.

This is how I recognized opportunity.

This is how I truly am...

Always flipping.
You can follow @MindOfRusso.
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