about to fuck his servant raw.

And he knew. Oh he knew that Katsuki wouldn't like that. Shouto played with him like the strings of a lute— and a jealous, possessive king was one of his favorite songs to play.

It's one of the reasons he ran away from home to marry him.
Shouto, trembling in both fear and excitement, experimentally rolled his hips once, sighing in relief at the brief contact of Katsuki's noticeably large bulge against his own half hard cock.

Katsuki growled even lower, stilling his hips with a firm grip on his waist.
"My king," Shouto whined lowly, leaning forward to place open mouthed kisses to Katsuki's neck. "Punish me. Use me. Let the whole tribe hear that I only belong to you."

Just like that, Katsuki took out a shiny silver knife from the inside of his boot and pressed it against
his neck. Shouto almost groaned at the way the cool metal lightly grazed his skin, oh so dangerously close to his jugular.

Even if Katsuki knew that he was falling once more into Shouto's carefully laid out plan, Shouto also knew that he'd never pass up the opportunity
to make him scream his name, rail his abused hole until he saw stars, and fuck him until there was nothing left on Shouto's brain but mush and the burning memory of Katsuki buried deep inside him.

Claiming him for all the world to see.
"You're a spoiled brat, my little prince." Katsuki said, pressing his knife a little closer to Shouto's jugular. Shouto shivered in anticipation.

"Why don't I mark you with this, hm? Carve my name into your skin so that nobody else dares to claim you but me?"
The knife's sharpest edge grazed Shouto's skinand he gasped at the slow trickle of blood right beneath his collarbone.

It should hurt. It definitely stings.

But the thought of Katsuki lovingly cutting his name on his skin, branding Shouto as his alone,
awakened the hibernating animal within him and he boldly grinded into Katsuki's still clothed crotch a little harder.

"I'm yours," Shouto whimpered, smearing a bit of his blood playfully onto Katsuki's cheek. Then he licked it clean, nosing at his skin affectionately.
Katsuki snapped and threw the knife at the far wall behind him. Shouto watched it embed into the deep mahogany before Katsuki roughly manhandled him onto his back.

"Who do you belong to?" Katsuki asked, smearing a bit more of his blood on his chest.

"You. Only you."
Then the king's eyes darkened fully, lust overtaking him at last.

And for the rest of the night, Katsuki made sure he remembered exactly who he belonged to.

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