1/ FilDa is the world's first #DeFi integrated service platform based @ElastosInfo, @HuobiGlobal ecological chain ( #HECO) and @Filecoin to build an ELA+HT+FIL ecosystem, providing decentralized FIL, ELA pledge, lending, and wealth management and other services.

$ela $fil $ht
2/ 99% of DeFi projects are built on #Ethereum, which has caused congestion to the $ETH chain. The transfer fee on $ETH has continuously increased & reached new highs & if it continues to keep advancing, such a congested $ETH network will definitely bring spillover effects
3/ Elastos can rely on the decentralized storage, communications & rich ecological application scenarios laid by their decentralized Internet infrastructure, w/ advantages such as high throughput, security, stability, and low latency, to undertake the overflow of DeFi in Ethereum
4/ The decentralized oracle cooperation between @ElastosInfo & @chainlink, the Price Oracle function will help FilDA improve its lending services and maintain the current exchange rate of each asset, borrowing Capacity, collateral requirements, and account valuations
5/ Once FilDA is connected to the @HuobiGlobal Ecological Chain, it can be seen as a bridge between DeFi and CeFi, which will connect with other public chains to realize one-click assets between different network tokens.
6/ With functions such as safe custody service, comprehensive token cross-chain service, linkage liquidity and privacy protection, which guarantees the speed of transaction while ensuring stability and incentives.
7/ In addition, by leveraging the rich DeFi products and services provided by @ElastosInfo #FilDA, Huobi Eco-Chain ( #HECO) will further consolidate its functional role of providing interconnected infrastructure for the blockchain DeFi protocol.
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