Let’s talk about systems.

I’m listening to “Thinking in Systems” by Donella H. Meadows.

The book was published posthumously because people thought it was *that important.*
The book is gold, and it feels like she wrote this book just for me. Like a cosmic gift.

It confirms so many ideas I’ve only known intuitively, and goes further than what I’ve managed to figure out on my own.

It makes me feel like I’m doing exactly what I should be doing.
I’m going to share some highlights that I think are useful to anyone like me who nerds out on systems design.
Understanding systems:
✅ Identify the parts and/or actors
✅ Figure out how the parts effect each other 
🧐 The parts together produce an effect that is different than the parts would on their own
🤔 The effects of their behavior over time will persist in a variety of conditions
Your ability to understand systems will be based on your mental model of the world.

Y’all have heard me talk about this before (!!!): https://twitter.com/operaqueenie/status/1320055174031757314
Our models always fall short of a true representation of the world. 

Because the world is complex. We have to simplify.
We have to create boundaries around what we understand, but we can’t forget that they are artificially created.

You have to be willing to re-evaluate those boundaries when you learn that things aren’t working.
I share all this about mental models to help folks understand how our thinking is fallible.

Our understanding of systems is affected by who we are, and how we allow ourselves to be adaptable learners.
To get good at designing or influencing systems, you must expect, appreciate, and use the world’s complexity.

Traps (when something is not working as expected) are also opportunities. Find a way to meet the goals of the participants in the system.
You have many levers to improve the system’s performance: the transfer of information, incentives, disincentives, goals, stresses, and constraints.

Each of these can have an effect on specific actors within the system.
🤑 Finite resources cannot support infinite growth:

“In physical, exponentially growing systems, there must be at least one reinforcing loop driving the growth and at least one balancing loop constraining the growth, because no system can grow forever in a finite environment.”
With systems, it’s not enough to only focus on productivity and stability, they also need to be managed for resilience.

There are always limits to resilience.
Systems often have the property of self-organization—the ability to structure themselves, to create new structure, to learn, diversify, and complexify.
Hierarchical systems evolve naturally, from the bottom up.

The purpose of the upper layers of the hierarchy is to *serve the purposes of the lower layers.*
Beware of symptom-relieving or signal-denying policies or practices in a system that don’t really address the problem.

Take the focus off of short-term relief and put it on long-term restructuring.
If you are fixing the system, work in such a way that restores or enhances its own ability to solve its problems, then remove yourself.
There’s so much more, but I’m going to end this thread with her list of “Guidelines for Living in a World of Systems” ✨

🧐 Get the beat of the system.

💡 Expose your mental models to the light of day.

🙏🏾 Honor, respect, and distribute information.
🗣 Use language with care and enrich it with systems concepts.

👀 Pay attention to what is important, not just what is quantifiable.

🤞🏾 Make feedback policies for feedback systems.

😇 Go for the good of the whole.
👂Listen to the wisdom of the system.

⚖️ Locate responsibility within the system.

🤓 Stay humble—stay a learner.

🎉 Celebrate complexity.

🕰 Expand time horizons.

🤯 Defy the disciplines.

💕 Expand the boundary of caring.

❤️ Don’t erode the goal of goodness.
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