GP Scene: Oxford, Laptop's college-run accommodations.

*all the boilers go out two days ago*

LT: Dad, all it's cold and I have no hot water!

Me: Email the school.

LT: It's break, not many people around.

Me: Email the school.

LT: *emails the school*

GP School: *in British accent* We are aware of the unfortunate incident involving the entirety of your building. We have dispatched appropriate personnel to investigate.

*day passes*

LT: Dad, it's still cold and getting colder and no hot water!

Me: Email the school.

GP LT: *emails school*

S: Plumbers continue to investigate the cause of the low water pressure to the boilers. Please have patience. Happy Christmas!

LT: *looks out windows* *sees 6 plumbers standing around and one plumber maybe working a bit*

GP LT: Dad, it's still cold, I took a cold shower this morning, and all these damned plumbers are just standing around! I need this fixed!

Me: Email the school.

LT: *emails school*

S: Our plumbers have located the source of the issue and restored one boiler to service.

GP *another day passes*

LT: *heatedly* Dad, still no hot water! Still no heat! And the gee dee plumbers still are lazing about, mostly talking with the construction workers who also aren't doing jack on the project they're working on next door!

GP Me: Let's talk about something else. You're politically left, correct?

LT: Yeah. What's that got to do with anything?

Me: So you support government jobs for everyone and strong labor union rights, correct?

LT: Yeah. So?

GP Me: Do you think the plumbers and construction workers are unionized?

LT: *slowly dawns on him where I'm going with this*

GP: And do you think it's really hard to fire them, their work rules are crazy and require 6 men to do a 1 man job, and they can't be fired?

GP LT: Yeah, but these guys are lazy and I need hot water and heat!

Me: Well, this is what European style social policies which you claim to want produce: people who can't be fired, know it, and thus don't give two shits about whether you have hot water and heat.

GP LT: *fumes* I'm going to email the school again!

S: Thank you for your patience. We anticipate your heat and hot water access should be restored sometime today or tomorrow.

LT: Dad, WTAF?!?

Me: You're getting what you'd vote for good and hard. Buy some more blankets.

GP LT: *is totally frustrated with the school, with the plumbers, and with me*

Me: Love you, Champ. Let me know how it turns out!

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