"After beating Trump and creating a permission structure for some GOP voters to back Biden, the task now, they said, is to turn back Republicans' embrace of authoritarianism and transform their party in the process."

LOL at every word of this.
"Trumpism isn't going anywhere. The repudiation of GOP candidates up and down the ballot that never-Trumpers longed for never materialized."

This is the reality. Trump barely lost and everywhere else on the ticket NeverTrump was an abject failure.
"We worked to hand the White House to the Joe Biden and now we're trying to hand the Senate to Chuck Schumer to give Democrats total control in Washington. Why aren't we being put back in charge of the Republican Party? We can't understand it."
The Lincoln Projection is a grift all the way down and they'll tell you right to your face.
Yes, yes, run Lincoln Projection/NeverTrump candidates in Republican primaries. I won't lie, I want them to try this just so I can bask in the inevitable humiliation when they crash and burn.
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