2/5 London has the highest case rate of any region in England, and rates in some parts of the city are critical.

We know that a rapid escalation in cases will lead to a greater number of hospitalisations and inevitably, deaths.
3/5 As London’s rates continue to rise, the actions we all take now have never been more important. As many as 1 in 3 people who get #COVID19 don’t have symptoms but can still pass the virus on.

Remember: #HandsFaceSpace, get a test if you need one, and self-isolate.
4/5 As well as these measures, we can all #KeepLondonSafe by pulling together and following London’s #Tier3 restrictions to help keep transmission down.

Be clear on what you can and can’t do in Tier 3: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/tier-3-very-high-alert
5/5 The #Tier3 restrictions and public health measures are even more pertinent ahead of Christmas.

To protect your loved ones this Christmas, keep it small, keep it short, keep it local and think of the most vulnerable.

Important Christmas guidance here: https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/making-a-christmas-bubble-with-friends-and-family/making-a-christmas-bubble-with-friends-and-family
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