*A man was suspected of stealing a cell phone. Now, in order to arrest him, police brought his sister to police station, which was basically illegal detention.
*She got traumatized & consumed poison, she is undergoing treatment. In case of VIPs & rich, this doesn't happen...1/2
*Even in extremely heinous crimes, this doesn't happen that VIP or influential man is wanted & his kin are taken to police station to put pressure on him to surrender.
*But this is very common in case of ordinary citizens, poor, those with no connections. Law, norms in books...
*Now, the woman, is in hospital, unable to talk. Her brother, Vinod, is in police custody. Cops made the woman sign on blank paper & it had 'supurdnama' written on it.
*Cops have the audacity to say, 'we didn't beat her' & 'we let her go before sunset', etc etc.
This happens everyday. Just that someone is poor, their women kin picked up and cops use the term, 'baithaya hai'.
*No one else can be made to pay for someone's offence. In many cases person innocent but due to women relatives, gets framed. No power can change it on ground.
The worst aspect is that for general society, it is like 'how can it happen', 'we never knew'. Increasingly, these reports don't get published in big editions, just buried in regional page, unless someone dies. It is accepted in newspapers, 'ye to chalta hai', so ignore it.
The decline in standards of newspapers & the kind of editors coming as REs who have little field experience & more happy to befriend one or two bureaucrats & consider it their lifetime achievement, even the basic, mild critical reports have no space in newspapers.
Basically, you can't even make people realise what's happening and the extent of the rot, if newspapers and media stop publishing it.
Recently, a senior journalist who was being considered for the post of chief editor, was asked 'liasoning to kar lenge na'. #Journalism
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