#ADL worked w/ the Israeli gov­t in 60s, ‘70s &​‘80s to spy on anti-South African apartheid activists. It "defend­ed the white régime...while denounc­ing the ANC as ​‘total­i­tar­i­an anti-humane, anti-demo­c­ra­t­ic, anti-Israel, and anti-American.’” https://foreignpolicy.com/2010/05/24/israels-most-illicit-affair/
2015 comments from #ADL called on #CAIR to condemn terrorism (even though the org had already done so numerous times).

The issue here isn’t about condemnation, it’s about ADL’s efforts to delegitimize & tie a Muslim civil rights org to terrorism. https://web.archive.org/web/20160125012738/https://www.cair.com/press-center/press-releases/2625-an-open-letter-from-cair-to-the-adl.html
Blaming unarmed protesters in Gaza for their own deaths at the hands of the Israeli army: https://twitter.com/ADL/status/979767178760282113
Greenblatt has also insisted on using the term “Islamic terrorism.” Why is this an issue? Because it implies that acts of violence perpetrated by Muslims are connected to their faith. Not only is this racists but such an argument is also never used in other cases of violence
In 2015, Greenblatt criticized then-President #Obama for failing to identify political violence committed by Muslims, as “Islamic terrorism.”

Important to note this was the talking point often utilized by the right-wing & far-right to attack Obama.

In the 90s, #ADL along with others repeatedly lobbied against the Holy Land Foundation and called on the Clinton administration to shut down the charity. ADL made claims that the charity organization was connected to terrorism. https://www.aljazeera.com/program/episode/2016/10/5/the-holy-land-five
And finally re-upping this fantastic thread by @ZahraBilloo https://twitter.com/ZahraBilloo/status/996181001142353922
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