1. When I first met my husband, he was going thru a very sticky divorce and child contact procedure. The court appointed an expert psychologist. His ex-wife complained to the British Psychological Society about her, then insisted in court that her report should not be considered.
2...because she was "Under investigation by the British Psychological Society". Needless to say, the judge was having none of it. All these online bullies getting accounts temporarily suspended by making false allegations are doing the exact same thing.
3. Proclaiming that XYZ has had their account suspended for "antisemitism" when it is not the case, and the suspension has come about as a result of malicious reporting, is a vile, cynical abuse of Twitter, as well as a vile, cynical abuse of the Jewish community.
4. IMO those found to be engaging in this activity should be banned from Twitter themselves and, if they are Labour members attacking other Labour members, suspended from the party. That is all.
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