MOAB thread Part 2.....
Ok folks, to kick this portion of today's lessons together we'll start with the second part of Ann Vandersteel's interviews with PFC Bergy and Patrick Byrne...

First video
Title the day after 279 every legal vote 
First of all I have seen Patrick Bergy interviewed a bunch and this video worries me.

He's lost a lot of weight

He's clearly scared that he torched his life for nothing because no one listened to him

He's exhibiting PTSD signs & I would also suggest signs of being gangstalked
Secondly -
Ann has been complimentary to Millie Weaver for her great work on the shadowgate series. Her stuffs backed up by Greg rubini, amazing Polly, myself, @FKTVis too
I highly suggest you watch the second part of that series, shadowgate 2.0 next

Why will be clear below
What you are seeing right now play out with the fraud was well planned for a long time. They threw the whole lot of spaghetti at the wall to see what would stick and still are. Senate hearings, state hearings with RudyG making that very clear

Elections were attacked w/ CV-19
Gonna link a thread I built off a Levin tweet/vid that covers some of the crazy lawsuits the democraps pulled.
They sued to remove fraud protections in some pretty key states, as we will see. Get rid of signatures, notary requirement, keep the scans not the paper...
Just crazy
Ok here we go. Levin's piece is good but I went further and show you the lawsuits the Dems pulled between covid, cares bill, and 11/3

You will NOT be amused
You will be pissed
As am I
Read it anyways
You need to see it
No paper ballot keeping
No signatures
No notary
Get rid of absentee process
Mass mail votes
Pay for vote scheme

And Zfuckerberg pays for non monitored drop boxes and gets in the count room too, more on that to follow

Ya see it yet?
Hang on you will...
Here's a lil bit getting article too
That's next tweet
Yeah he gave millions to fund all kind of shenanigans in multiple problem states

Who also happen to have Dominion
And count problems
And lawsuits

FB was instrumental in shutting down open dialogue about Biden laptop, Biden Ukraine story, & election concerns

'maGIN dat
Who else suppressed these same stories people?

The main stream media mocking birds - who saw election numbers drop for Trump and go to Biden live on TV along with the rest of us...

But who else?

Why, we are on his platform right now😈💥
See it yet, the interconnection?

The media big 6 is owned by a lot of China CCP people

CCP list of 2 million names of planted assets all over the place just got leaked

Social media partnered with Soros NGOs and media + big tech

And are tied to who?

Why, The Atlantic Council
Have a look at this

Zfuckerberg announces a partnership with The Atlantic Council 2 years ago.
Dorsey was right there too and it's a matter of time before they come for him next on both the censorship AND the financial end

Look what they did
Took ad money from RT
Then bans em as fake news
Takes their money, gives it to The Atlantic Council
GOOGLE is partnered with the atlantic council too

Along with someone called Jigsaw to map ongoing influence campaigns

Well well well
What friends this Atlantic Council has, my my
I can't say it better now than when I said it the first time
Look at this

The influence campaign mapping app is powers by The Alantic Councils digital forensics folks
Let's review

The attack on 11/3 was planned just like cv-19 was.

Meant to destroy democracy in free and prosperous countries

Meant to dismantle freedoms and put us under technocratic communist control

By the scumbags who used to work for Obummer and steal data from NSA 72hr
The globalist, the communists, the deep state Intel aparatus, the media, big tech

All working together thru these connections between Soros, his NGOs, and the Atlantic Council, who's made up of the deepstate Intel folks


Wait, cuz there's more
CDC/WHO/Fauci too
I did a thread a ways back that showed the surgeon general chastising people for buying PPE, and that it wasn't was CHINA who bought up the GLOBAL supply so NO ONE would have it.

Almost like they knew the dem-panic was coming or something, huh?

Will link below...
Here it is and it includes mask timelines. Did this late April.
Tweet from surgeon general in there too

This will als make you angry

H2H trans in Feb no mask req from CDC til April now they all scream
Science 😄
More on the mask bull💩

and this is going somewhere

you'll see soon
This nonsensical dirty crap is what they want on your face to keep ya from being sick?

Is that a joke?!😅

Surgeon general himself tweeted that general public aren't protected with n95, but healthcare workers are?

What, are these things magical or something?😅😂
The real truth of the matter is the CDC didn't even say wear the stupid things til 6 weeks after they themselves confirmed human to human transmission?

This was NEVER about flattening the curve or preserving resources it was ALWAYS about control and it was used to mess with 11/3
People who follow nothing but MSM mockingbird media will bitch when they see someone without a mask on and scream I listen to the scientist!

What, those same scientist who said 65 mil dead, go out and enjoy your city, don't wear a mask, don't buy them, stay locked inside?
There's zero science that supports quarantine of healthy people, people

The scientists like Fauci they all hold up as heros are agenda puppets with gains to make...

Fauci himself has patents on some vax components & PAID the wuhan lab to continue illegal gain of function work!
He said we could t get back to NORMAL until there was a vax

Now his minions and idiots on MSM are saying even with the vax we still need masks and social distancing and lockdowns - BIDEN even SAID he'd pass a 100 day nation wide mandate!!!

You seeing it all NOW?
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