In ancient days, when Sanatan was the only way of living, when no concept of religion was created, feminine worship was very prominent in present day Asia, Europe and Arabia.
Feminine is not just a gender, it is a dimension. It is group of qualities. It is Janani. This janani can be your biological mother, a cow and mother Earth herself. All these are mothers. In ancient world, people were proudly 'mother worshippers' and through this, they even
attained Siddhi. With the rise in Abrahamic religions, feminine worship started declining. In such religions, there was no concept of feminine worship. The females were regarded as 'second class' beings. The females were expected to do only two things - give birth and cook.
In those newly created religions, the God was male, the messenger of God was male and the God had a son (never a daughter). Gradually, feminine worship was wiped off completely from Arabia and Europe. It was only Bharat where this practice survived.
There is no village in Bharat where a 'grama devi' is not worshipped. Infact here, females are always shown as most powerful beings, carrying weapons, always ready to hurl at enemies. A woman was never timid in Bharat.
With invaders attacking Bharat, their influence also affected this land. The Abrahamic invaders could not tolerate the concept of feminine worship in this country. They started breaking female idols. They ruined the temples. They could not see a happy and independent woman.
So, they started attacking our women. They placed them in harem, r@ped them, forcefully converted them. To protect our women, our men started curbing their independence. They started covering themselves, so that no devilish eye could see their beauty. They were not left free to
roam around. With time, this became a new normal. Though female worship was never vanished from this land, but female independence was lost.

Now, when we all have started to search for our roots, we see how the best civilization of this planet was ruined with age.
But the feminists of today, who know nothing about history, blame Sanatan for being oppressive. They turn into influencers and misguide the new generation. It is our responsibility to make people aware of what we were. It is our Dharma to reclaim and rebuild that BHARAT.
In the upcoming thread, I'll write about how the uprooting of feminine worship was done across the globe - the witch-hunt practice.
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