Twitch streamers please read... No one is going to arrest you and you cant #stopdmca.... 🙃
Some context on a "public performance". It is any scenario where it is being played to multiple people in a non-private setting. For example a radio in an office etc (it can be more complicated than this but this is basics)
Online streaming (as in the act of being a twitch streamer) was not around when when the DMCA was updated last so the laws being used are not correct for the situation and are being interpreted as best as possible but I agree are being used in a bad way
Now I am from the music industry but am a lover of online communities. The reason DMCA is being actioned is because the musicians in the games aren't being paid for the use of their work in that stream of which is (some kind of not technically defined in law) a public performance
So that needs to change. But it shouldn't be by striking a video and removing it/the channel. That is wrong and an abuse of the DMCA. Twitch is owned by Amazon that has deals already with the PRO(performing right organisations)s around the world
They should be at the table here defending twitch streamers and setting a president for change in the DMCA which meets a middle ground and is fair to both sides OR they should be able to strike a yearly negotiable deal with the PROs around the world for streamers
Being angry at DMCA isn't gonna get you anywhere. Be angry at Twitch/Amazon as these are the people who are not protecting the content creators on a platform at the front of the industry. Musicians should be fairly paid. We are always sidelined. But streamers shouldnt be DMCA hit
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