Problems with Death Note Anime Near Arc-(Thread)

Death note is still in my top 20 and one of my favorite but I rewatched it few months ago and find the Near arc with full of plot conveniences and considering how some people think it's same quality writing as L arc
or it didn't go downhill which I heavenly disagree with, I am gonna talk about my problems with it's writing in Near arc and why I think it's far from the same quality writing as the L arc

Note: This is not a hate thread just criticizing the flaws of one of my favorite show
My main problem with the whole arc is how Near character is handled so poorly so I will talk about this mostly first cuz he played the major role in the arc and his character was full of plot conveniences and driving force of the arc
Getting introduced to a character(Near) so late in the story out of nowhere and then to make him look more smarter and mimic of L, making every other character either stupid or following what he is saying without any questions is too far stretched and
unrealistic. Throughout the arc his character is executed badly especially how Near in many instances came to very specific conclusions without any proof and evidence
For example: Near pinpoint X Kira identity based on assumption out of blue and start suspecting Mikami
L used to suspect Mikasa as 2nd Kira only when he has solid proof and she was close to light.
He used to suspect based on evidence and even after that he used to doubt himself
The distinction between knowing versus suspecting creates different dynamic between the pairs
That is one of the reasons many people love the L arc cuz it explores a very morally ambiguous nature and creates a very good juxtaposition when viewed against Light. Their dynamic and character was build up from the start especially seeing their perspective on right or wrong?
This is what made Death note so compelling it wasn't just "catching the bad guy" show
However, in second arc it felt like the main purpose of the arc was to "let Kira caught" instead of actually outsmarting him
I can understand the idea of "Light became overconfident" and making
the obviously stupid mistakes but when a cautious character like him acting out of character against a character with no proof whatsoever except making deductions based on assumptions and then putting it in a way like he is some kind of genius outsmarting the MC that's a problem
Alot of new rules and new characters (mimic of previously established characters) were introduced who we don't get much out of it except for making mistakes so Light will get caught
The whole second half gets weaker cuz new characters don't have any identity except for Mello
Mello arc was pretty short but it was good and I think he was more interesting and has personality, brain and reasons for his actions
I mention this earlier but expanding more here
I hated through out the arc how every other character easily believe what Near is saying and his random assumptions instead of actually believing the evidence
E.g. Light dad before dying proving his son isn't criminal and many more
These were mostly criticism but one plot hole I noticed which contradicts the already established and one of the first rule in the show
How the hell she is killing people without looking at their face?
It doesn't make sense cuz Near's men were noticing every action of Mikami
I'll end my thread here cuz I already said alot of negative points and I don't want to come off someone who hates DN cuz I fucking love it 9/10 however, I can't avoid when people ignore these flaws and claim how it doesn't goes downhill
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