Legend bringing on Erica to be the face of a beer company and celebrating her so much is truly a ground breaking move. it’s gradually changing the perception that beer is a man’s drink considering the original brewers of beer were in fact women. #EricaXLegendInAbia #ItFlows
Right frm time brewing, a kitchen task, was considered women’s work. Both the Sumerians & Egyptians who were well known beer drinkers in history praised beer goddesses & associated brewing with women. E.g Ninkasi who was the Sumerian goddess of beer #ItFlows #EricaXLegendInAbia
The first known written beer recipe is known as “hymn to ninkasi” A song of praise to the beer goddess. It served as an easy way to remember it. #EricaXLegendInAbia #ItFlows
The shift came when beer started being a commercial product. With the industrial revolution, as it was no longer a house hold activity, beer production was now firmly in the hands of men.
#ItFlows #EricaXLegendInAbia
Now over the past few decades as women gradually started infiltrating the job market and taking up jobs in factories, beer brewing as a job became an option.
Generally, the perception that beer is a man’s drink still remains. Beer campaigns and ads that influence consumers perception have not exactly been women friendly. But we’re getting there and Legend stout beer is helping us get there.
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