🚨 Perspective Chelsea Opinions 🚨

Player and Manager thread πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™

Kai Havertz

Our 70 mill signing is no doubt in a form slump and literally can't do anything right atm but his performances overall haven't been horrible at all especially when his played in his Perfered spot
2 games spring to mind this season Palace and Southampton where he played as a 10 and seeing the link up between Pulisic Werner Havertz was something that was building even playing as a 8 Kai has put in good outings against Burnley Sevilla Krasnodar

Kai needs to be in Midfield
Timo Werner

Personally I am not at worried about Timo because the guy is literally playing on fumes atm even thou he hasn't scored in like 8 games he is still getting into positions busting his guts all be it out of position which during our 17 match Unbeaten run it worked but
It's not gunna last forever and tbh Timo is best when his down the middle working well with Pulisic Ziyech and Havertz. Timo is gunna be big for us we just need to utilise him to his strengths

Timo CF is needed πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
Olivier Giroud

This guy isn't someone who just heads In goals we seen it last season after Lockdown we see it for France and even this season against Sevilla if you play thru the Midfield with 1-2 passes slicing the defense your gunna get results like the 4 goals he scored
A big part of Giroud game especially post Lockdown was his linkup with Pulisic and Willian but all of a sudden we are playing Cross and Insallah which is getting sniffed out and will get targeted by Great managers

Giroud isn't a 1 trick pony πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
Frank Lampard

There is no Doubt there have been improvements in the Squad and the way Frank is setting up Stable keeper stable defence keeping a Formation etc but for me on and off the last month his frailties have once again surfaced I.e In game management
I look at Frank and it seems he isn't brave enough to make a sub at HT change Formation mid match normally his Subs are so late playing players out of position etc

I am Frank in I absolutely want Frank to succeed but this next month is vital for what we can do THIS SEASON πŸ’™πŸ’™πŸ’™
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