We’re in a testing queue at Royal Perth Hospital COVID clinic that stretches for at least 100m and isn’t moving. A guy just came back from the front of the line and said they’re closing at 6. We got our texts at 4.47.
People are still arriving, many in Ubers. I’d say less than half of those of us in the queue are wearing masks. Two security guards just walked up towards the front of the line.
And the clinic just closed with over 200 people still in line
People crowded up near the front of the line, asking the one doctor questions he didn’t have the answer to. One guy got a negative test on Monday already and nobody could tell him if he needed to be retested. The clinic reopens at 8am tomorrow.
It’s absolutely gobsmacking that WA didn’t have a plan in place for surge staffing and extended hours for this exact scenario when they reopened the border. They literally told people at 4.47pm to get to a clinic and all of them closed at 6pm.
Correction: Fiona Stanley is apparently staying open til at least 8 to try to test more people. Why wasn’t that a possibility at RPH? Who’s making these calls?
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