If your tweet is in anyway critical of Israel or Zionism expect that you will be attacked.
The attackers are not idiots (exceptions apply) they are well trained to use semantics, psychology, and meta language to provoke an angry emotive response. Every 1st attack will be 1/
designed to put you on "the back foot" and make you defend yourself.
Take a deep breath, go and have a cup of tea. Don't respond in anger.
You are in charge. It's your tweet. Don't be bullied by imperatives demanding answers off topic.
Remember, you are in control, not them. 2/
I've not always been "perfect" at doing this, although more often than not, if I send an angry response I'm congruent with what I've said. Your responses can be like "why would you say that?" "How does that make you feel?" How have you arrived at your assumptions?" "You what?" 3/
Beware the use of, Interrogation techniques. Demands that "you must", Threats, Intimidation
"Mass attacks". Vile insults.
The attackers may have military intelligence expertise.
Proper truth twisters.
They won't accept your facts, your truth. Understand this. Block n roll. 4/
With so many of our comrades on the left being "taken out" by Twitter (mass reporting) it's important that our support for them does not provide "easy screenshots" that do more harm than good.
Really think about what you write. Be positive and supportive, they will be back.
You can follow @ArtCrunchy.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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