It's so baffling to me seeing the same people who complain about the SNP for the whole catalogue of reasons the SNP should be complained about to still campaign for both votes SNP. Like, at what point do you say enough? After 13 years in Government, Education continues to...
suffer, poverty stats have shifted minimally in a positive direction though child poverty continues to remain high, green targets are continuously missed, nepotism and scandals remain a near weekly story and LGBT issues are no longer championed, but instead side-stepped to make
way for dodgy alt-right ideology which is backed up by a disturbing number of our elected members. At what point do people who claim themselves to be progressive realise that a majority in 2021 is actually a pretty terrifying thought considering the current levels of...
complacency? Independence, yes. But besides that I struggle to think of many reasons that the SNP should be given the power to do what it likes for another 5 years.
And of course drug deaths are at a record high lead by a man who pretty much laughs about it on the news (and some of our MPs claim it as a conspiracy), and our biggest city has the lowest male life expectancy in the whole UK?
It's so strange because the activists I know in the SNP on a personal level are progressives, that believe in a left wing future of equality, so why continue to back *waves hands about* this? It's just a community club at this point.
I've backed the SNP my entire adult life (besides a weird Lib Dem blip when I turned 18 shut up), but now, besides a charismatic leader, I honestly couldn't tell you what they could offer the country moving forward.
And that's not something I say lightly. It's hard when you've devoted a significant portion of your life to a cause. I'm just not sure now, I could be on a doorstep and look a voter in the eye who is questioning me on drug deaths or education or climate or poverty and say yes
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