Wonder if better understanding of history of medicine might make people a little more cautious about amount of unchecked power given over to PH authorities?

Good article from Science Museum 👇🏽
In late 19th century England, dominant ideas of degeneration considered working class people to be sickly and a "threat to the nation" and public health attempted to reduce birth rates in particular groups for the good of the empire
In fascist Europe, Jews and queer people were seen as sickly and ill, and a threat to the health of Europe -- and arguments for persecution of Jews and queers was made in terms of public health
Of course PH is now acting in a different context, to a different threat, with different consequences

However we *must* be mindful of the potential of considering humans primarily as threats to health, and not as individuals with needs as desires, of leading us to v dark places
*needs and desires
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