So today, QDay Dec 17 is actually November 3, Election Day on the Chinese Lunar calendar? The year of the RAT? #Nocoincidences

h/t @BenjaminPD23
Search RATS in the drops. Several hits. Here’s one:

Phase III
Traitors Justice.

one of 8 moon phases each month. Phase III for Dec 2020 appears to be Dec 21, winter solstice.
Phase III shows Dark to Light. Look at it! Half Dark half Light looking straight on.

for Dec 2020 it also falls on Winter Solstice 12/21. Another Dark to Light Day. Shortest day of the Year with least amount of daylight.
Christmas, Dec 25 2020 will be Chinese lunar calendar Day Nov 11.


How cool is that? Time to finally be UNIFIED?
But why 11.11.18? Why not 11.11.20? Turns out 2020 IS year ‘18 on chinese calendar!
2020 is also year ‘18 on the Hebrew calendar . Year 5781 abbreviated to ‘18 since Hebrew reads right to left. 11.11.18 again!
Tomorrow Dec 18 is the last day of Hanukkah. . Another Dark to Light. One WEEK before Christmas.
And finally ? What about 23 now comes the Pain?

If America will be unified on Christmas, 12/25? What’s “two days ahead of schedule”?

does the 'l7 poem' bring it all together...?
"Full Moon Coming".

Traitor's Justice = PHASE III of the moon on 12/21?

THE FULL MOON is 'coming', from 12/21 to 12/29. Just 8 days.

Is this "Two days ahead of Schedule" from the 10 DAYS that would be 12/31"?
12/31 = [END] of the RAT's YEAR?
2020 is the Year of the RAT in Chyna.

Is 12/31/20 , the LAST DAY of 2020, = the RATS' LAST DAY?
You can follow @Bruno062418.
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