Some of my favourite Questions and their answers by @warikoo, in his recent insta AMA about talent and skills.

A thread ⬇️
🔸Que: Successful people talk a lot about kindness, are they really kind? Can kind and successful go hand in hand?

Most kind people think their kindness as their success.

Most successful people don't think their success as their success.
🔸Que: What's the difference between talent and skills? And which is more imp to have?

Talent is what helps you develop your skill.

Skills are what you develop & time is what it takes to develop those skills.

Vinod kambali was talented,
Sachin Tendulkar was skillful.
🔸Que: Top skills one should possess in today's world?

Three Things:

1. The ability to listen
2. The ability to think and share stories
3. The ability to be student whenever required
🔸Que: Building skills matters than talent?

Talent is static you're born with it, maybe it helps you maybe it doesn't.

But skills keep changing and if you have ability to acquire new skills as skills change you have a Superpower.
🔸Que: What if one has no skill or talent , what would be the option for them?


If you don't have talent that's okay but if you don't have skills you can develop them.

There's no excuse to not developing skills. Everything is available in today's world.
🔸Que: How to develop quick decision making skill?

Most skills can be developed in just normal life.

To develop quick decision making skill.

Practice it in daily life, quickly decide what you gonna wear, what you gonna eat.

Make decision making a habit.
🔸Que: What is more important a degree from tier 1 college or talent and skills?


A tier 1 college might give you your first opportunity ,

But it's your talent and skills that'll make most out of it.
Que: How to work on emotional intelligence?

The art of listening. Listening not with the intent of responding but listening with the intent of understanding.
🔸Que: If you are talented at something is, it advisable to make a career out of it?

Your talent can be your profession only if you're good at it, you enjoy it , it's something that the world want's and it's something that can make money for you.
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