🚨 Thread: Color (Colour) Revolution:

1. The definition shown in the pics. It’s not really about color, but is all about division. In case you didn’t know, it began in America when Donald Trump was elected in 2016.
2. The goal of a color revolution is regime change. Our C_A 🤡 has used it effectively in many foreign countries. In the US, their goal is also to destroy our Constitution, as well as our status as a military & economic super power in the world.
3. Who is funding the color revolution in our Nation? It’s more than Soros. It’s funded by our own corporations (the ones getting rich while small businesses suffer), MSM, Big Tech, etc. There’s also $ from China, Iran, Russia, etc.
6. Our enemies want us to devolve into civil war. This would cost countless lives, destroy our economy & collapse our Constitutional Republic. All while the globalists sit comfortably in secure, undisclosed locations.
8. It may be helpful to understand the components of our color revolution. As you look back on the last 4 years, or even just 2020, the evidence of what has taken place adds to the various components shown in the attached:
9. What may be scary is the historical success achieved by color revolutions. Each one has been successful, so far. It’s up to US as a Nation to reject the attempts to divide us, destroy our Constitution (rights), rewrite our history, remove our statues & impose tyranny.
10. What makes it possible for Us to win where others failed? We are a Nation under God. The blood of our Patriot forefathers runs thru our veins. The number of Us willing to give all for our Nation far exceeds our enemy. Must watch 👀
12. As @LLinWood has said, this is our 1776. They tried to subvert our electoral process by stealing an election. Will you allow the enemy to succeed or will you Fight and Resist their attempts to control you? 👀
13. Many of the blue cities & states where we see the most problems, are led by compromised, corrupt individuals who support the color revolution. They have done nothing to support the Constitution or uphold the law.
14. Many other elected, establishment politicians, on both sides, are part of the problem. They’ve sold out our country to enrich themselves. We’ve all seen them identify themselves & the lines have been drawn.
15. Our President continues to fight for us, but he needs our help. Do everything within your power to make yourself heard. Focus on the fights that matter most. This is not the time to sit back, but to stand up for your constitutional rights.
16. How do we ID the command & control of the enemy? How do we cut off the funding of the color revolution? The answer is the U.S. military. Seize the assets of criminals & unleash the Insurrection Act. Along with our support, it’s the only way to defeat the invisible enemy. End
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