1) As the moves unfold, Trump's avenue of approach is becoming more apparent.

As always, he's holding the ace in his back pocket. He's seen intelligence only he and a select few have seen.

Those select few, seem to have the same attitude about what happened in the election.
2) Trump's stance is obvious but he is the leader of The Free World. At some point, it might behoove you to take his word seriously.

(We know libs, you simply cannot do this because you're brainwashed.)

How about the Secretary of State? Is he important? https://twitter.com/CCreboot/status/1339378063843471362?s=20
3) How about the Director of National Intelligence?

One would think the man who oversees the entirety of the 17 Intelligence agencies might know something that We don't.

Like the fact that Russia/China/Iran interfered in our election? Kind of a big deal. https://twitter.com/HeshmatAlavi/status/1339336097189474306?s=20
4) The current head of US Intelligence, says Russia interfered, and the libs/Media aren't foaming at the mouth?

After they screamed about foreign election integrity for 4 years? Claiming Trump was owned by Russia for 4 years?

@SenHawleyPress flawless https://twitter.com/disclosetv/status/1339267914801819648?s=20
5) Whether or not the MSM and their sheep want to accept in, the men with access to the most sensitive intelligence on the planet know something We don't.

While we await the DNI report and other revelations, Trump is educating the public. Voter fraud 101. https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1339284435456421892?s=20
6) While the normies and sheep get heavy doses of repeated proofs of voter fraud, Trump is exhausting all legal routes possible.

This has multiple functions. It keeps voter fraud in the news cycle (normalization) and it gives the optics that Trump is not 100% in control.
7) Same with the Supreme Court. With them ruling to not see the Texas case, this gives the optics of distance. It confirms they are their own branch of government, not doing Trump's bidding. They are not his lap dogs.

This eliminates the "Dictator" angle from the media.
8) Dictators are not subject to checks and balances. They are all powerful.

This opens avenues such as the Insurrection Act.

I'm not sure if Trump will go this route, but Sidney @SidneyPowell1 and @LLinWood seem to be echoing it.

A possibility. MILITARY https://twitter.com/SidneyPowell1/status/1339056329290379265?s=20
9) Its late in the game but Trump has not conceded, the men with NAT SEC sensitive information are saying Trump will remain POTUS and our most hostile foreign enemies interfered in our election.

Here's a word from our favorite general for good measure. https://twitter.com/QckDaddyCoze/status/1338186058035462145?s=20
10) I do not know exactly the route POTUS will take to secure victory. But We do know that the battle is not yet over.

No matter how much noise comes from the left/media, there is still a dog in the fight. The dog's name is @realDonaldTrump

And this dog fights.

And as a bonus tweet to the liberal troll farms soon to descend on anything I post; please note that your tears taste delicious, and all I ask is that you please maintain a high sodium diet so they remain nice and salty. 😘
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