It's a bit of a weird sensation to realize that the majority of my peers didn't grow up lower class, they mostly went to college and didn't work jobs that put them in a lot of physical pain. I think I unconsciously assumed that there were more people from my class out here.
My childhood life feels mostly invisible here. My childhood best friend has her hands permanently fucked from scrubbing floors for years. Few (none?) of my "highschool* friends went to college. Nobody left Idaho. They're mostly working minimum wage jobs... indefinitely.
Also to clarify I don't think this is specifically a homeschooler thing; the ppl from my earlier-childhood homeschool community from california ended up a bit more typically middle class.
Uh but my point is I just think I assumed that more of my class "got out", that their voices are part of some more important discourse, that they must have managed to get some influence or following somewhere... but I think probably this isn't true.
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