Again: she didn't murder anyone, didn't say masks were against freedom.

Didn't jail children--after separating them from parents.

The GOP are in fact "fuckers"
Didn't hold up relief for families being evicted.
Didn't allow Trump to call down the military on peaceful protest.
She used a very precise and legitimate word for the GOP: they fucked EACH AND EVERY ONE OF US.
Didn't let Trump slide through the impeachment.
Didn't hold up funding to keep the government open--multiple times--over the last four years.
Didn't ram through three--THREE--Supreme Court justices after fucking--yes, fucking--Merrick Garland.
She didn't suspend international women's health.

She didn't leave the Paris Accords.
She didn't give state secrets to Lavrov in May 2017, nor did she fire the FBI head because there was an investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election.
She didn't pardon war criminals--so grievous that his own mates reported him.

Trump did, though.

And the GOP let that shit happen.
She used the word "fuckers."

They have FUCKED US.
She didn't ignore the righteous rage pouring out of the George Floyd protests.
Nor did she minimize science and scientists as COVID-19 fell down upon us.

Trump did though. His sycophants did.

They fucked us when McConnell held up all relief bills.

But McConnell fucked us with so many unqualified but deranged ideologues as justices that we'll be living this nightmare for decades.
Jeff Bezos made BILLIONS on our deaths.


She said the GOP were fuckers.

Not comparative. And she's correct.
They do nothing for anyone who isn't a corporate lobbyist. Or pay-for-play.

They love fucking us, mostly without lube.
So she called the GOP "fuckers?" Is that what's going to make the news?

Because that plays to THEM.
Pearl-clutching, smelling salts BULLLLLLL SHITTTTTTT
"She has no propriety"

"I am dismayed and SHOCKED"

"My god, the mOrAl FiBeR oF ThIs NAshun iZ dYinG"

Are. You. Kidding me.
She didn't implement the Muslim ban, in the first week of her position.

Nope. She called these fuckers "fuckers."
Didn't gut the EPA.

She didn't destroy Bears Ears, or Escalante National Parks.
She didn't repeal environmental protections--but I sure fucking know who did.

Pruitt, Zinke, and a special shout out to Andrew Wheeler, former COAL LOBBYIST, who's been dismantling the EPA with a dark-hearted efficiency that would make the Devil blush.
Didn't open up the Arctic to fossil fuels.

Didn't meet Putin and kowtow like a fucking bitch to Kim Jong Un.

She used a very, very appropriate word.
So the press is going to be grabbing their pundits and smelling salts, but the obscenity is not calling them fuckers.
The obscenity--among so many--is that they're using this bit of truth to cover their actions with a holier-than-thou sheen.
Fuck that.

Fuck Trump.

Fuck McConnell.

Fuck these fucking evil, ghoulish fucks.
Fuck them for making this little word define us, while skating around their GRIEVOUS HARMS TO US.

Like: 300,000 deaths.
Three Hundred Thousand Human Beings Died Because of the GOP.

They are fuckers.
Do NOT be swayed by all the hot-takes on media for the next 47 weeks.
If the worst thing anyone does is call the GOP "fuckers" I'm so excited.

Because--let's be clear-they are fuckers.
And Obama's biggest drama was wearing beige.

I'm totally FUCKING cool with that.
And with Beige-Suit-Gate, I'm out.

Because let's be FUCKING CLEAR.

Calling someone an asshole, or a fucker, or a dipshit, or an idiot, or a bully or a dickhead--

not one single word will measure up to one of myriad crimes.
Pearl-clutching and hand-wringing about all the stupid shit is how we got Trump four years ago.

STOP IT, MSM. They are, in fact, FUCKERS.
A long, long list of fuckers.
Speaking of fuckers, here's a thread about the shortcomings of the media in covering the Russia investigation.

Timely, since the MSM is doing it again with "fuckers."
Another word for "fuckers" is "Fascists." That would be accurate as well.
Plural form of fucker, fŭk′ər►

n. A despised person.
n. One that engages in sexual intercourse.
n. a stupid foolish man.
Fuckers fucking our lives forever.
Fascistic fuckers.
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