1. I'm the CEO of a platform for females & know I have a unique insight into the single sex space debate. I see it play out in real time.

During our 1st MVP test phase, 1000s of TW onboarded & created "KILL TERF" profiles.

Are we supposed to take these seriously or not?
2. I fought to include TW on Giggle but the reality is I fought not knowing the hostility of the situation. I was shocked & devastated by the KILL TERF & other obscene profiles, but...

Is "KILL TERFS", "RAPE TERFS" & "LOOK AT MY GIRL DICK" what we can except in the real world?
3. Is it "just" something said to women online or is it something that would be done in "analogue" female spaces?

It's a really important questions to ask, because not only do women not want to read stuff like this... we don't want to physically experience it either.
4. It's important to remember, without this abhorrent behavior we'd all be having a very different debate.

This behavior has *added* to womens fear.

You can dismiss it if it doesn't suit your agenda. But if you do, no solution to ensure the safety of *everyone* will be found.
5. When I read something like this, what stands out to me is the line "a lot of the time I'll get side eye or even outright harassment." Lucky you!

Imagine getting a rape threat.

When that statement is put into the context of the admission prior to it, it's scary for women.
6. Rape threats are scary even to read. They can be sent by someone across the world, with no chance of ever raping you, but they're... triggering.

They remind us of when we were raped, of how easily it could happen again. They remind us the threat is always there. Possible.
7. Women want a break from this behavior, from the threats, from the indignity, from the fear.

This is why female only spaces are so important - even online. Now as much as ever.

But women DON'T have to use their trauma to justify the want and need of a female space.
8. So if you can say "trans women are women" & demand no debate in response...

females can say "we want female only spaces" & give no further reasons.

We didn't make those rules. But we can use them. We've got reasons, but we're happy not to use them.
9. Female spaces are fun. They're supportive. They're a unique experience. They're not always agreeable (but how boring would that be?)

I want trans women to get to experience this with other trans women. To find confidence & camaraderie to celebrate who they are. To be safe.
10. I want the fighting to stop, the adults in the room to wake the f*** up & solutions put into action. Because we all have other things to focus on. We have lives to lead & enjoy.

And I NEVER want to walk into a bathroom & hear "KILL TERF".

11. Disclaimer: I'm not doing a disclaimer "Not all trans women". I know that there are absolutely amazing, intelligent, funny & beautiful trans women in the world who acknowledge reality. But we don't make laws based on our best people, do we?
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