🧵 This will be my 2nd yr sharing my Top 5 Books & Top 5 Podcasts on here, and *spoiler alert* there will be a heavy tilt toward "quit lit" and recovery podcasts.

I am 3 months alcohol free this wk & while I've been wanting to do a full blog write up, the time has escaped me...
Why am I sharing? B/c ppl don't talk about quitting drinking that much. It is especially not discussed when u r a "grey area drinker." I have a soft bottom story. No hiding it, no day drinking, no DUIs. So if now ur bored, stop reading, or...
If ur curious, here's my story in a few tweets.

I'm a Mom of two littles (22 months & 4.75 yrs). My husband & I both work FT. Life is busy. I began to notice after becoming a Mom this whole "Mommy wine culture" thing. As someone who loved wine, I silently joined rank...
After my 2nd was born, I realized how nightly my wine had become & how my husband & I both "needed" a drink when making dinner. And then another after the kids went down. Going running before the sun came up wasn't happening that often & I felt shitty mentally & physically...
Externally there was nothing-to-see-here. But inside, a voice was growing. You see, I am an adult child of an alcoholic. My Mom was in active addiction my entire childhood - in fact, my entire life. Today she has 2 yrs sobriety. I had always been on guard as to whether I would...
become my Mom but that was the wrong question. The question I started to ask was, Did I like how alcohol was showing up in my life? The short of it is that the answer was a Hard No. When the pandemic hit & then I left my fancy start up gig, I had the time & space to explore...
what sobriety could look like for me. I had been sober curious & taken time away but my drinking had escalated & I felt like alcohol was holding me back.

One day on Twitter I saw a tweet by @ArlanWasHere talking about @ThisNakedMind by Annie Grace. And holy shit. This book...
did for me what no amount of scientific training & research could. It got to the heart of the matter quickly - alcohol is a drug & a billion dollar marketing machine. Then I read @GlennonDoyle 's Untamed & Quit Like a Woman https://www.quitlikeawoman.com/  & realized I could...
never unlearn what these women were fiercely owning: The Self. I had such extreme cognitive dissonance about alcohol b/c of growing up how I did. My Mom would disappear, sometimes for days, & the stories I could tell u r heart-wrenching. Alcohol almost killed her & definitely...
stole her from me. One night my son laughed, trying to throw broccoli into my wine. I hid it in my lap. He asked where it was, I told him - to which he replied, But Mommy, what if you get thirsty? While this may sound innocuous, little moments like these pierced me in a place...
so deep inside I knew I wanted wine literally off my dinner table.

Wine was making me small. Mommy wine time was quieting my feminism & making me less present 4 myself, my children & my husband. I was a collegiate athlete & after abusing hard drugs & alcohol as a teenager...
I have mostly just had stupid binge drinking episodes at weddings (although more than enough) & too much "fun" here & there.

And that's why I'm sharing. B/c we tend to define a problem w/alcohol as a Big Rock Bottom. When in reality, we should often center the addictive drug...
alcohol as the problem & talk openly & honestly about how *everyone* who chooses to imbibe is somewhere on the spectrum of dependency. I chose to get off the train early, and I'm so fucking free.

Most of us have read about how drinking has escalated in recent yrs & especially...
For me, quitting drinking has been about so much more than just quitting drinking. I started therapy (OMG why did it take me this long!) & I now practice gratitude daily.

If you've read this far, I also highly rec We are the Luckiest https://www.lauramckowen.com/books  and...
PPS - We do things 2 survive. I got to where I am b/c I'm a survivor. But my survival toolkit works well until it doesn't. Alcohol does not belong in my tool kit.

"They told us that alcohol would take the edge off. But they did not tell us it would take the edges off our soul."
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