If you've never spent an extended period working a job after which your feet hurt so badly you had to be careful peeling your socks off, I'm not sure you should be a politician or journalist
It's a massive % of the workforce, and they don't show up at your donor dinners or subscribe to your overpriced news rags so unless you've limped a mile in their shoes it's unsurprising that you don't care about them except insofar as they're a useful cudgel against other elites
If you can't comprehend why the working poor are often more skeptical about/frustrated by welfare "cheaters" than even the rich, the way to resolve your confusion is to try paying your rent by waitressing at a Waffle House full-time for 6 months
That's one issue; there are a thousand more. It's why I respect a substantial fraction of "the deplorables" a hell of a lot more than most of their detractors, even if I disagree with them about almost everything
I'm not saying these experiences lead everyone to the same conclusion (they don't) but they do make it a lot easier to understand the range of political frustrations that exist, and a lot harder to rest on superficial tropes about how people "act against their own interests"
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