So this evening after some thought, I find myself curious as to how a Washington, Lincoln, or Kennedy would deal with what President Trump is dealing with currently. These are my thoughts:
How do you prove you won, when you know either side will accept the others victory?
How do you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that you were cheated and wronged. You must first set yourself as the victim, the one who was wronged. (Trump's never been good at being the victim) So you must show the people the lengths others would go to stop your progress.
To do this you'd have to have hard evidence, video, first hand testimony, flipped bad actors, and an army of folks that won't give up the fight. When this fails to unite, you must then have a common enemy. (Insert china) Now Americans get to watch Dems defend china!
Continue presenting your evidence as the left continues their charade, that's when you drop the "TRUMP" card. Undeniable evidence that the DNC (once again) tried to cheat an election. "Military is the only way" why is that statement so strong? Why is it so scary?
Many think the military will simply follow orders, but understand they swear in with the understanding that they have a responsibility to not follow any order that is unconstitutional, that's why the precision has to be perfect. It's a very fine line at this point.
What would be the reason you'd use the military to roll out the vaccine? All operators in place, widespread nation wide under a cloak. Some no matter what evidence is shown are actually and literally brainwashed to respond only with civil unrest and will seek to cause riots.
Why let the riots of the past year happen? "You have to show the people" so when the push back from the military is swift and precise, you can then say did you want another Portland? Want another Minneapolis? When the EO is enacted, the past events will prove Trump did the right
Thing, he waited with his hand on the button till the absolute last second. To save the Republic he'll have no choice. And at that time, he'll unite more from the left then many could have ever thought possible.
After all they've seen they'll understand that he had no choice. They'll appreciate him. Many didn't approve of Washington's moves, many didn't approve Lincoln's moves, SO MANY, didn't approve of Kennedy's moves. It's almost like there was a higher power, leading their way!
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