Bible study discussion thread: this thread will look at the difference between Holy and Common, and Unclean and Clean, contrasted spiritual conditions as defined by the Almighty Creator
This discussion will be completed in parts, with the first part laying a foundation by exploring the definitions of the words Holy, Common, Unclean, and Clean, so we can each reflect on it in relation to our lives and the word use in the biblical text from Genesis to Revelation
Leviticus 10:10 starts with stating there should be a distinct separation or divide, badal beyn in the Hebrew, between the states of Holy and Common, and Unclean and Clean. These states of being are complete opposites
Holy and Common, the biblical Hebrew words Qodesh and Chol, are opposites. What is Holy can not also be Common at the same time. Something Holy literally is set apart, separated, placed at a distance from something considered Common. All things start as Common, they are made Holy
Unclean and Clean, the Biblical Hebrew words Tame and Tahor, are opposites. What is Unclean can not also be Clean at the same time. Something spiritual Unclean is considered foul, and something spiritually Clean is considered pure.
Something Common has the ability to become Holy by, and only by, the will of the Almighty by declaring the land, item, or person to be set apart. No man can declare something to be Holy, that act of declaration of what is Holding belongs only to our Father in Heaven
The ground Moses was invited to walk upon was declared Holy compared to other ground, children of Israel were declared Holy compared to gentiles, faithful disciples of the only begotten Son the Messiah are invited to be Holy compared to those who reject him as the anointed king
Holy could become Common again through being defiled, the act of sinning changes the Set Apart status of a person back to being Common for a period of time. Israelites before Messiah had to atone through animal sacrifices to regain a sense of Holiness, afterwards it is repentance
Something Holy cannot also be Unclean, but can become Unclean through defilement, sin. The Holy statues degrades to Common. Something Common can be Unclean or Clean. If it were a ladder the top rung would be Holy, middle is Common Clean, and bottom would be Common Unclean
Review Leviticus 11 for examples of how something Holy can become Common Unclean for a period of time, such as if a person touches an animal carcass, where the person is considered unclean until sunset or the following day. Yes physically they are unclean, but also spiritually
That completed part one of the thread. Knowing the definitions for Holy, Common, Unclean, and Clean are important, but what matters even more is recognizing what it means to be Holy in contrast to being Common Unclean, and striving to be Holy and avoid purposefully being sinful
Part 1 of this thread discussed how there are 3 levels of closeness to the Almighty YHWH, closest being Holy, middle being Common Clean, and furthest Common Unclean. Part 2 shows there are 3 levels of Holy closeness to our Father as well
Looking at these 3 examples, Mount Sinai, the Wilderness Tabernacle, and the Jerusalem Temple, we can see that there are 3 levels of Holy when it comes to being found approved for physical closeness, based on spiritual closeness, to our Father in Heaven
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