I have a few thoughts I'd like to offer about #vaccine acceptance. To my fellow (esp White) clinicians who are asking, "What are your strategies for convincing #BIPOC communities to take the #COVID19 vaccine?" this thread is for us…
First, I'd suggest that this is an unhelpful question & is racially problematic. It centers the holder of the mistrust as the target of the problem & intervention, not the system & history that caused the mistrust in the first place.

For more context on appropriately framing the source of the problem (system, history not mistrust), See the following thread from @DrJessIsomMDMPH:


Also, @ADocNamedDani breaks this down very concisely in her insightful question here:


Before we get into discussions abt “convincing” historically marginalized communities to "comply," please take some time to read some very important context from the #Black community on this topic. Many options for reading are in the following tweets of this thread.

Here @DrFNA shares her experience as a participant in a #COVID19 #vaccine trial from her perspective as a Black woman, mother, wife, and physician.


Here @ChomiloMD shares his experience as a participant in a #COVID19 #vaccine trial from his perspective as a Black physician & #VaccinesSaveLives advocate.


Here @ZekeMD shares an important piece he wrote about his perspective as a Black physician in overseeing a #COVID19 #vaccine trial.


Here is an important piece by @EJToxicDoc about the challenges for Black Americans around #COVID19 #vaccine trials:


In the aforementioned @NJEM piece, the authors state
"...we fear that once again the responsibility for addressing the sequelae of centuries of racism is falling on Black people themselves."

We are perpetuating this by targeting the holders of the mistrust, asking unhelpful questions, & failing to demonstrate our trustworthiness. Our Black colleagues are bearing a greater burden to ensure #COVID19 #VaccineEquity as a result.

Quite frankly, how can we expect to be trusted when we don't even take care of "our own?" There are severe racial disparities in healthcare both in patient outcomes & in our own house (via lack of representation, inequitable compensation, promotion, & leadership opps).

So, I would offer that first, we prove that we are trustworthy. Then, we ask a more helpful question such as, "How can I demonstrate my trustworthiness & support my patients in making an informed choice about how they would like to receive their care?"

This is not the same as organizations posting token photos of Black healthcare workers getting the vaccine, as @AtashaJordan very aptly points out:


This "tokenizing" among healthcare orgs is very problematic and an appropriation of the incredibly intensive labor that our Black colleagues are giving to #VaccineEquity. We don't get to borrow the labor of others and hold up pictures to take credit for their work.

It's about embodying a #RadicalHealing approach as the amazing @Wizdomisms beautifully lays out in much of her work. Her recommendations for engaging communities =

- Serve first
- Build together
- Show your work
- See the community as valuable, wise, worthy, NOT victims

TY to all the people tagged in this thread (& many others) for your incredible work, time, & advocacy. Follow them. Listen to them. Learn from them. Thank them. And please, let's start asking more helpful questions.

#COVID19 #CovidVaccine #VaccineEquity #HealthEquity

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