To start a business that's lucrative:

1. Find people motivated to make money.
2. Relentlessly help them make more, faster, easier.
3. Ensure their gains are attributable to you.
4. Broadcast their success stories.
5. Charge more than you'd think.

To get rich, make others rich.
To start a business you love:

1. Identify a group of people who bring you joy.
2. Learn what they pay for, and make them your customers.
3. Hire others like you who love the same people.
4. Set sane habits. Be patient. Enjoy the journey.

Who you're with > what you're doing.
To improve your chances of success:

- Start small.
- Obsessively help others.
- If an idea isn't working, quit.
- If your journey isn't working, persist.
- Study your mistakes. Don't repeat them.
- Be accountable to someone.

Your destination exists. Keep going until you arrive.
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